Well 2013 is now history, and what a history it is for me! Some people really make a big deal of leaving the old year and starting fresh a new year, I kind of do that on a daily if not situation by situation basis. Rarely do I find things end perfectly on the end of the year... so it is hard (my overly logical way of thinking!) for me to go with the whole new year resolution or going head strong into new things! Every minute of everyday is new to me, so I am always thinking and hoping for the best, today in the new year and tomorrow and in the middle of June, it is no matter to me! I am an eternal optimist, I even make quite a few people mad with my extreme optimism! :) Oh well, my positive attitude makes me smile and happy and that is what matters most in life, happiness! So reflecting back on 2013, it was a great year for me, in spite of loosing my dear grandmother (I love her and miss her dearly), things were good. I successfully defended my dissertation and earned my PhD (that is a big deal!) and I also successfully brought a new life into the world! YAY! I would say that is a good year! I can't complain life is good, and 2014 will be great because I will make it great!
To all of you, I wish you the happiest of new years! I truly wish you all the best, but in reality you should go out and make it the best, because we make many of our own outcomes in life what they are, so make them great and your 2014 will be great too! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
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