Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Hopefully everyone is enjoying Kala's family blog project. I know I enjoy reading them even though, for the most part, I am right in the middle of what she is writing about.

I have been wanting to put up another post but have been busy with things and really have not known what to write about. But I have come up with two ideas this afternoon. One I will be writing about now and the other I will save for a later date.

On to today's post, games!  If you know Kala and I and have hung out with either of us you have probably played a game of some sort with us. We both love games (and want Evie to be big enough where she can play games with us too) and have fun playing any type of game. Our love for games has allowed us to play a wide variety of games and I would like to share a few of our favorites.

Board Games:

Settlers of Catan: A relative new game to us, in Settlers players assume the roles of settlers, each attempting to build and develop their settlement while trading and acquiring resources. Players are rewarded points as their settlements grow; the first to reach a set number of points is the winner. It is a little like Monopoly but with a faster pace and probably more fun for most people.  The basic game is for 2-4 players but there is an expansion pack making it a 2-6 player game. Kala and I even bought the App for our Ipad and now are able to play it anytime or place we want.

Hoopla: Kala and I have had Hoopla since around the end of our high school life. But today it is quite hard to find due to the company not producing the game anymore. The best part about Hoopla is everyone is on the same team, and to win, your team has to guess all of the cards that were distributed at the start of the game before the timer goes off. Each player receives four cards to start out with and you go around in a circle trying to either draw, act or use different words to try and get your teammates to guess what card you have. It is extremely fun, doesn't take that long to play and can have 2 or more players.

Wizard: Wizard is a card game we were introduce to by our friends Gary and Chuck. The game play is a little like sheepshead if you have ever played that but if you are not a fan of sheepshead don't let that deter you. There are a set amount of rounds depending on how many players there are (only 3-6 players can play at a time) and you bid at the beginning of a specific round how many tricks you are going to take. The deck is a standard 52 card deck with eight additions: 4 Wizard cards which are the highest card in the game. (the first wizard played in a trick wins the trick automatically) and 4 Jester cards which are the lowest card in the game (it is pretty much a throw away card but can be used to save yourself from getting an unwanted trick). A player then gets points for correctly getting the amount of tricks you bid at the beginning of the round and lose points for incorrect bids. It is a highly competitive game but a lot of fun.

Balderdash: Balderdash is a board game of bluffing and trivia where you rarely know the correct answer but are rewarded for clever and creative answers. Play moves around in a circle and each player takes turns being the "dasher" or the person who chooses the category the question is read from. The categories that are offered are obscure acronyms, dates, names, and movie titles, for which the players have to provide full names, major events, major accomplishments, and plot summaries, respectively. The die is used for choosing what category will be chosen from the card. Points are rewarded for various things. Another extremely fun and witty game for 2 or more players.

Some other games we enjoy playing on either the Ipad or with a game board are: Life, Trivial Pursuit (the older edition is a little hard for us young folks), Family Feud, Monopoly, Pictionary, Scrabble, Scene It (any edition), Scategories, Clue, Boggle and Risk, among many others.

If anyone is interested in playing any of these games or others please let us know and we would be happy to host a game night or two. If anyone has a suggestion of a new fun game out there please post in the comments section for all to enjoy.

Because we love games and trivia so much, Kala and I will be doing a weekly Trivia game as a blog post. Each week either Sunday, Monday or Tuesday we will post 5-10 trivia type questions, if you would like to participate just post your answers to the questions in the comment section and at the end of the week we will post the correct answers. Hopefully people will enjoy our little game and find the questions challenging and fun.

Until next time!


  1. i love games and especially our game night!! yipee!

    p.s. i will def participate in your trivia game. great idea!

  2. glad you like the triva game idea! we are excited and currently working on our first set of questions! hopefully will be posted later today or tomorrow! :)

    p.s. We need to get another Game night set up!

  3. Well Case you can always come over! well I guess you should make sure we are here... but you could still come over even if we are not! :) but you will play Wizard all by yourself! :) Hey Mike and I were wondering if John likes games... we could have a game night! :)
