Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Geek in us all!

So I was thinking, that most people will find the title to this blog amusing, and you should. I meant for it to be funny, but also because it is true. As most of you know I am a science geek... well you could even be more specific as to say a DNA geek. I love Genetics (specifically medical genetics) and everything about it... that is why it is the career I am in! Brilliant! :) But as I was watching one of my favorite shows, BONES, last night, I was thinking about how so many of us (even you who pretend to not like science) have little geeks inside! :) Bones is a pretty popular show and the main character is a huge, I mean I am not even anywhere close to, huge geek, but ultra brilliant (I know it is a show, but it is based off a real forensic anthropologist). Lots of people like Bones, but 2 other popular shows that I love, and I know many others do too, are Big Band Theory and House.... both full of BRILLIANT science geeks thank you very much!  I am not a stones throw close to any of these individuals, but I love that they are on TV and there are many "normal" people out there who enjoy them! This makes me happy. I have been toying with the idea of teaching in my future, because one thing I love, is to be excited about science and to share and pass that excitement on to others. Therefore I believe there is a little geek inside us all, granted I know there are some out there that genuinely hate science (tear) but they probably have another geeky quality, lets face it there are lots of options! :) 

Recently I have been thinking of the very specific knowledge sets that people have to have in their given careers and I find it fascinating! I have often told Mike, that I don't like being called smart, cause I really don't think that I am, I have perhaps a slightly higher knowledge base in a very very specific field (and I am probably on the "dumb" end of this group of individuals) but I feel like I know near nothing, about frankly, everything else! Therefore I am not "smart"! The people who think they know everything, well that is annoying, because it is impossible... even my favorite shows have that aspect... these individuals who are brilliant lack in other areas (these tend to be social) so even they who are above all the rest, can not say they know it all. What I am getting at is that we should all embrace our inner geek and squash out the "know it all" and if you are around the many "know it alls" out there, I feel sorry for you to have to deal with them, but I also feel very sorry for them, because the fact they think they know everything means they know so little. There is an essay article in the Journal of Cell Science, it is a great article, it is titled "The importance of stupidity in scientific research". It really hits it on the head for me and my field, but I think people can get a lot from it, if you are interested just ask me and I can share it with you! :)  Thanks for sharing in my random thought for the day! :)


  1. Kala- Geek is in :) They call it 'Geek Chic'

  2. I like that! :) Yeah I guess it is not as undesirable to be a geek as it use to be... or maybe us cool geeks made it cool to be a geek! We probably played a role in the 'geek chic' craze Amy B!! :)
