Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Guest Writer

My lovely wife has asked if I would like to add a post or two to her great new blog and I have accepted the challenge. From time to time you will see a post from me (Mike (husband to Kala, dad to Evelyn and all around good guy)). I was thinking of things that I could write about for my first post; our family life, what we are up to or just random thoughts. I decided to make a list (I love lists - probably something you didn't know about me) of things I would like to accomplish/do this year. So here goes!

  1. Ice fish more than once this year.
  2. Make more money.
  3. Loose some weight (isn't this every one's goal, every year).
  4. Catch more fish when we are up north.
  5. Take a vacation somewhere out of state/country.
  6. Play fetch with Indy (our dog) more.
  7. Enjoy the weddings we have this year (alcohol may be involved, plus I am standing up in one so what is not to enjoy).
  8. Make Italian liquor for when Evelyn gets married.
  9. Shoot a deer during gun hunting.
  10. Go to the zoo more (we have a zoo pass, so if anyone wants to tag along with us you are more then welcome).
  11. Cook more delicious dinners.
  12. Go to more Brewer games.
  13. Make Kala laugh and smile more then she already does :)
  14. Enjoy the holiday season a little more.
  15. Make sure Evelyn doesn't grow up to fast (this could be a hard one seeing how she thinks she is a 2 year old already)
There you go, my first post and a little insight into what I would like to do this year.


  1. Great post from my wonderful husband! :) love you Mike... hopefully we will get lots of guest posts from you! :)


  2. Cool! We will have to hit you up this summer on the Zoo pass and take all the kids together! :)

  3. YES VAL, we will make a zoo date, that would be GREAT!!! :) Evelyn has to see her boyfriend Joey every now and then! :) hahaha!
