Monday, April 30, 2012

16 months of wonderful crazy! :)

So today our Evelyn is 16 months old! :) She is a tiny little squirt full of energy and life! We had her 15 month check up last week and well she is now weighing in at a staggering 20.8 lbs, that is with her clothes, shoes, and wet diaper on! so pretty much she is only 20 lbs. So this weight puts her at the 10th percentile of toddler girls her age. Yeah I said squirt! :)  She is 2 feet 6 inches and that is 25th percentile, so a little better! But she is wonderful and healthy, and definitely getting her molars!

This week has been eventful for us... Friday night Evelyn was playing and well it is not unusual for her to go in and out of the kitchen and living room. Well Friday night Evelyn ran into the kitchen, and well it got a little too quite.... guess what I found? Evelyn sitting (yes sitting) on the kitchen table!!!! Oh my goodness, I almost had a heart attack! We officially have a climber on our hands. So the remainder of the weekend was spent saying "no Evelyn, get down from there" yeah now she is really good at saying "no" cause I said it so much this weekend. It is pretty funny when she says no, though.

This leads me to my other issue. Discipline... man it is a tricky thing to discipline a cute little toddler, whose main crime is curiosity. I generally take the stance of letting her explore her environment and learn things for herself, however she clearly gets herself in danger. Oh and she feeds off my reactions, good or bad, if I take her away from the 'naughty' thing she is doing, she thinks that is fun, then I put her in her crib which she likes for a while. I have to let her sit for a while until she is mad then let her out. I guess it is working somewhat, but she is a stinker!

Oh on other exciting news from this week, Evelyn took a new step toward "big girl" yep, she is officially bottle-less, meaning she is no longer drinking from a bottle and gets a sippy cup for everything. Yippy! :) She still has her pacifier though, but one thing at a time! :)

Her vocabulary is increasing dramatically, her new favorite word is 'hot' she loves to say everything is 'hot' even when it is not.  Also I have gotten her to say 'up' when she wants wants to come up in my arms, rather than grunting at me. She also loves to go out to stores with us and say 'hi' to everyone we pass, I mean everyone! :)  She loves shoes and wants to always put shoes on people and it is so cute to hear her say 'shoe' imagine it with an exaggerated sh sound! It is so cute! Endless fun in our house and everyday is an exciting adventure. I am sure the next 16 months will be just as crazy and fun!

1 comment:

  1. OMG how adorable. I love that she's saying so many words! :)

    P.S. I just bought "Happiest Toddler on the Block" to read in prep for Nina and it's really great. It has lots of tips about parenting little crazy toddlers. I recommend it!
