Tuesday, April 10, 2012

March Madness

I know the apologies are empty when you don't improve on your errors... however I hereby solemnly swear to do more posts, so come back and check often! Also, my blogging mentor Katie informed me that I can schedule post to come out at later dates... so I am going to try to do shorter, sweeter posts more frequently. One thing that has delayed me, and something that I don't like about myself, is that I can get easily overwhelmed with something or feel over my head (keeping up with photos and posts every night and to feel like you can fit that time in is overwhelming to me) I then drag my feet so to speak, but better late than never! :)

SO much like her mother and father our daughter Evelyn is a goofy little ham! she is so funny, I wish I could adequately explain her silly little antics but see these pictures, cause like they say, a picture speaks a thousands words!! :)

Evelyn and I made a necklace from her links, then she 'hammed it up' for the camera, the middle picture is her amazing zoolander pose/face! :)

Rocking the mohawk in the tub! :)

trying on her swimsuits for some water fun! Everyone tries on their suits over onsies and jammies, right?!? :)


  1. I LOVE all the smiles! Welcome back! :)

  2. OMG, way to cute and smiles for days. Love the update and pictures. cs
