Monday, August 12, 2013

Few days, and new things!

Sorry it has been a few days since my last post, and I did promise to be better with my posts! Sorry about that! :) So really my excuse right now is that I finally got a fancy phone! Yes, after years of feeling like a second rate technology person, we finally upgraded to iPhones!! :)  And yes I love it just like I thought I would! :)  So like many of the people out there, the iPhone has become our camera, and let me tell you, I have taken plenty of pictures... the problem is I have not downloaded them to the computer so I can put them on here! Sorry!

So we do have a computer, but currently our house is a little more disorganized than normal (yeah I know it is crazy normally) But since we have our wonderful BBS joining us in less than 3 months (EEK!) we are currently under some re-arranging ciaos in our house! :)

The plan: we have a three bedroom house (yes we would like to upgrade in the near future, but it needs to be perfect lot and house so we look every now and then but we are ok where we are at, for now) so the 3rd bedroom or really the second largest has previously served as our spare room/collect all room (with full sized bed) and also office (with Mike's desktop computer/picture storage & back-up center). We are now converting this room to Evelyn's (drum roll) Big Girl Room! :) :) She is so excited about it, and wants to sleep on her big girl bed already but did you know there are lots of fun options out there for big girl bed sheets, so we had about a week last week of trying to determine what big girl sheets to get! :) That was pretty funny, and brings up an interesting conundrum.... do you push your own interest and likes onto your very impressionable young child? Let me explain, I was a huge little mermaid fan, yes, liked it very much, and to my extreme happiness, Evelyn likes little mermaid too! :)  SO naturally I found some super cute, way fun little mermaid sheets and comforter!! :) Yay! But Mike very gently informed me that I might be a bit biased here and there might be something she likes better... Drat! :(  Well fine, I let her choose for herself, well the options we had included: little mermaid (of course), princesses, Sofia the First (she loves LOVES this show!), and Tinker Bell fairies. Well she chose Sofia the First, which was fine, cause it is cute... but OOPS! Mommy screw up! They only had the sheets for toddler bed (yeah right? silly!) not the full size bed we are putting her in! UGH! So she had to pick again, and pretty much she says she wants everyone of them, but she decided on the Tinker Bell Frolicking Fairies... so that is ok, cause I am actually a big Tinker Bell fan too! :) hehehe mommy win (maybe we can still get little mermaid in the future?)!  So we are super excited to make Evelyn's room her own and she is excited too! Pictures will be shown in the near future, I promise!! :)

Evelyn's old room, or the 'baby room' is going to be the baby room once again, it is still decorated in it's neutral jungle/animal theme which will be fine for BBS. So the next few days we will be finishing moving things into Evelyn's room and setting that up nicely, weeding through the bazillion toys and clothes, and setting aside baby stuff for BBS! :) Then after that the exciting task of getting a bunch of stuff out of storage! The baby swing, bouncer, baby floor gym thingy, bumbo, boppies,etc!! Also getting out those highly useful neutral clothes we had for Evelyn too! :)  But we have been blessed with wonderful friends and family and we are already accumulating a good supply of boy clothes! :)  Let the less than 3 months countdown continue! We will be ready (or close enough)! :)

Sorry for lack of pics... will try to get to that soon! :)


  1. Can't wait to see Evelyn's big girl room all put together...It iwll be so cool... Time is ticking down but it will all come together....

  2. Can't wait to see her room. And Nina would have been SO JEALOUS of the Sofia the First sheets!!! She loves that show too. Although she mainly says "Fia" not "Sofia"... haha. I'm sure the tink sheets will be adorable. Yay for a big girl bed!

  3. Putting together a big girl room was so fun! We moved Isla into hers in March and she loved it and sleeps in her big girl bed awesome. Word of advise. We found that Isla was getting up in the night and crying a little and then falling back to sleep multiple times when we first moved her into the big bed. We got one of those white mesh rails to attach to the side of the bad and that fixed it. Not sure if she was waking up scared or what. Good luck!

    1. Hi Jaime! :) Thanks so much for the advice! :) So we are starting her in a full size bed (since we have one) and I was nervous that it was a long way to fall, plus hard for her to get up... so we did get a side rail thingy... But Mike's mom is going to refinish the headboard for us, so then we just decided to put the box spring and mattress on the floor, so right now I think it is a pretty good set up! We just go the sheets yesterday, I washed them quick and Evelyn wanted to sleep in her big girl bed, and last night went great! I laid with her till she fell asleep, but she slept through the night! :) We will see how it goes! I will post some pictures soon! :)

    2. Silly me and my typing fast and not proof reading, I spelled Jamie wrong, sorry! What a dweeb! :)
