Thursday, October 10, 2013

Our Precious Evelyn Photo-dump part 1

Well, I know I am biased, but I think that my daughter Evelyn is just the cutest little person on the planet! (lets hope her little brother looks good too!) Anyway, I am always taking pictures of her and her 'awesomeness' as I like to call it. So I am sharing some here. Enjoy.

Early in the summer we were playing at the park while daddy had a softball game.

Sleepy girl!

Hamming it up for the camera on the way to the park near our house.

I love these glasses she looks like elton john in them! 
yeah it is a great idea to blend daddy's head! :)

Crazy hair and classic hand-me-down shirt!

How precious! :)

Always a ham!

Serious tractor driver.

Too sleepy in the morning and not wanting sun in her eyes!

practicing her tree climbing skills like big cousin Aidan!

silly girl

being a good big sister and inspecting clothes for her baby brother

Big cheese!

Clearly I like to take pics of her in her car seat.

walking by the lake with big cousin Aidan.

wearing her cool nemo life jacket!

cousin silly love, going down the tiny slide all together! 

Vacation is rough, and swimming really takes it out of you! :)

cabin movie time, cuddle up!

So that is the photo dump only up to our family vacation up north over the 4th of July! Yikes! I will have to make at least one more photo dump post! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love, Love, Love Miss Evelyn Rose Christmas Schilter
