Tuesday, July 30, 2013

BBS due early November! Part 1

BBS?!? are you question what BBS is? It affectionately stands for Baby Boy Schilter! :) Mike and I are not people who want to decide on the name of the baby prior to it's birth... I feel we need to see him or her before baby can be named. I know many people do not like this... well tough! I am a weirdo and that is the way I like it! :) Mike will probably roll his eyes at this, cause well yeah we pretty much decided Evelyn's name prior, but I really did wait to see her to confirm her name... one of the other names for a girl we liked was Isabella... could you imagine Evelyn as an Isabella?!? NO WAY! :) see this is what I mean... some names are meant for people. I am sure you have come across people who are named a name and it just doesn't seem to fit them... I know I have! :)

So I feel pregnancy with number 2 would be an interesting topic to discuss. I must say things are a bit different. First I want to clarify, my pregnancies seem to be pretty easy and I don't have many issues (thank heaven), so I obviously may not be very comparable to other women's situations. Well lets start at the beginning... so Michael and I knew we wanted multiple kids, weather that is 2 or 4 I don't know yet (We like to say 1 at a time, but yeah I skipped 3... no offense to the multitude of people with 3 kids, I just don't want an odd numbered family... yes I know I am a weirdo!) :) As many people know, Evelyn is a handful, a wonderful amazing handful, but a handful none the less! So for a while (and many days still) I felt like holy cow (yeah Evelyn says this now and it is hilarious!) but I don't know if I should have been allowed to have one kid, let alone handle more?!? :)  But funny how it works, that there is just a time, and it hit Mike and I, that hey we were ready! I also didn't want us to have kids too close together... I didn't think I could handle the real young ones at the same time! :) so even before Evelyn turned two we thought we were ready... but our life situation made us wait a little longer.... I was finishing my PhD training, and more importantly I wanted to make sure I was going to have a job and insurance when it was time to have this next baby. So that is why we ended up waiting a little bit longer even. But I think our timing was great! :)

So the beginning was a little different to start, for Evelyn we pretty much got pregnant right away and I knew the earliest I could know that I was pregnant, it was very much like 'clockwork' or however you want to say. This one, well since I must have been stressed around the time of conception (aka getting my PhD!!) turns out I ovulated late... but see I thought it would be just like Evelyn so I kept getting 'negative' pregnancy tests... but more accurately I was not really pregnant yet cause I ovulated later... but one thing that was the same as Evelyn, Indy our puppy, started to act really funny around me. This happened with Evelyn too! I think he could have a side job as a pregnancy detector! :) So I pretty much concluded we were not pregnant with the second one, when Indy started acting weird... and then I thought, well maybe.... so I took a test, and sure enough, Indy the pregnancy detecting dog came through! :) Oh and if you are interested Indy's acting funny was him needing to be right next to me all the time, like lay by my feet when I pee, walk behind me so close his nose touched my legs, lay on top of me in bed or on the couch... just overly lovey and protective. This activity is this pronounced only very early, not all the time, but throughout the pregnancies he does seem to have an extra need to lay on my tummy... so he must really know something is going on there! :)

Ok so this got really long so I decided to make it a multiple part series! :)

P.S. Don't you just love ultrasounds! OMG melt my heart, and this little person is growing inside of me! Wow, life truly is a miracle and a gift! :) I love this little boy already! :)


  1. I am so glad to see you writing your blog again. Thank you. Yes please wait until young Mr. Schilter (BBS) arrives to name him.... Evelyn is an Evelyn and would never of been an "Isabella". Love her to the moon and back.

  2. OMG that 3d ultrasound photo looks like a Rettler! :)

    1. Katie, that is funny! Do you really think so?!? I guess we have strong genes... My sister-in-law Pam says that cause all 5 of their kids have Rettler looks about them! :)
